Over 21 years
We offer a specialist services in Industrial, Residential and Commercial. We understand and know what is expected in order to deliver a service like no other.
Over 21 years experience within the Owners Corporation industry.
K L Strata Specialists offer a unique service with over 21 years experience within the Owners Corporation industry. We understand and know what is expected in order to deliver a service like no other resulting in satisfied customers.
What makes us stand out from other managing agents? We care about educating our owners to ensure they understand their role within an Owners Corporation to enable functionality, we provide committee representatives with updates on the property and their requests, investigate ways to keep costs down, provide owners with a summary of expenses outlining where their money is being spent, attend properties, take photos and provide a report of findings that require attention for the consideration of committee representatives and/or owners, but most importantly we will manage your property the way we would manage our own and that’s with care.
We thrive on delivering a prompt response to all our owners whether it be repairs and maintenance requests; preparation of meetings; financials & levy queries; insurance claims & renewals; complaints & dispute resolution; debt collection and general enquiries. We also work with reliable contractors and have emergency contractors ready to take your call after hours.
Rest assure your property will be in good hands with K L Strata Specialists.
Our services, where
experience meets value.
What makes us stand out from other managing agents; we care about educating our owners to ensure they understand their role within an Owners Corporation.

Communication is crucial when managing an Owners Corporation. It is an industry that not all owners are across so its important to educate our owners so they are aware of what’s involved within an Owners Corporation, for example:
- What is common property and lot owner responsibility
- What levies cover
- What building insurance covers
- Whether owners required contents insurance
- What the role of a committee representative is and how to be elected
- How often meetings need to be held and what motions are discussed

Repairs & Maintenance
Before repair requests are attended to it is important to know what the common property is and what property is the responsibility of the individual lot owner. To establish this we must refer to the plan of subdivision.

When a meeting date is determined, 14 days notice is given to all owners prior to the meeting according to legislation. Meetings are held online during business hours unless it is via a paper ballot.
The type of meetings held within an Owners Corporation:
- Inaugural Meeting
- Annual General Meeting
- Special General Meeting
- Commmittee Meeting
- Unanimous Meeting
Online meetings are a preferred option for owners due to the convenience it provides and any public health restrictions that may be in place at the time. Our meetings are conducted in a professional and timely manner. All owners are encouraged to attend to assist in the running of the strata scheme.

Insurance & Building Valuations
As authorised representatives on behalf of our Owners Corporation it is our job to provide our owners with comprehensive insurance options provided by our leading strata insurers to cover the reinstatement and/or replacement of the building & common property.

Debt Collection
Debt collection is a process that enables the Owners Corporation to retrieve funds that it is owed by an owner who is in arrears. It can be a lengthy process at times but is well worth the effort. The process begins where the Owners Corporation at an annual general meeting vote to resolve passing the debt collection motion each year.
Unpaid levies can impact the Owners Corporation funds, making it difficult to manage the day to day expenses, eg. insurance renewal being one of the biggest expenses within the budget. Owners may also be required to make up for a shortfall of funds as a result.

Dispute Resolution
The Dispute Resolution process is essential to assist committee representatives and owners to deal with grievances, without resorting to legal action.

Builders & Developers
Our aim is to work with the developer to establish an Owners Corporation. The steps taken to establish an Owner’s Corporation requires the following:
- Preparing and issuing of OC certificates
- Calling of Inaugural AGM
- Obtain and provide competitive insurance quotes
- Lodging of paperwork with Land Victoria
- Open a Trust Account for the Owners Corporation
- Change address of Services of Notices
- Register an ABN & Tax File Number for the Owners Corporation
- Determining the annual budget, levies and period of financial year.
Introducing our
Over the years Karen has maintained a great relationship with past and present owners, carving a reputation in the industry.

Karen’s main focus is not only managing her Owners Corporations, but also educating her owners to ensure they have a thorough understanding of the industry and their role as an owner within an Owners Corporation. With a Law Enforcement & Legal background, Karen possesses excellent conflict resolution skills and has been praised by numerous clients for resolving issues promptly.
It is important that owners have an understanding of the strata industry to enable them to work together with their Owners Corporation Manager to achieve the best possible outcomes for all owners. No building is too big or small for K L Strata Specialists. If you are looking for an Owners Corporation Manager to manage your property, contact Karen today for a quote.
Karen Luisi,
Industry Expert
Contact us for
more information.
We would be happy to arrange a meeting with you to discuss the current status of your Owners Corporation as well as provide you with the services we provide at K L Strata Specialists.